Development Offline web application design Offline functional applications require a different way of data management than traditional web design. The client must own a local portion of the data and have it ready at hand to serve the users need.
SoftwareArchitect In need of the Software Architect There are a myriad of potential pitfalls when selecting languages, frameworks, tools, and architectures for new projects. Many of the potential mistakes are relatively simple to fix if done early and with the right knowledge base.
vuejs Vue.js and Quasar Every good project starts with a suite of tools. Good tools make for quick, quality, and enjoyable work. I really like Vue.js combined with Quasar and see it's use as an important competitive advantage I have over those who have not yet found it.
career Development career development I'm sorry Mr Smith. We can see that you are a reliable employee, having worked at Acme Inc for 15 years. But what we need are people who have experience with Doodadz written in Unicornium. This Python you have worked with was completely phased out of our software stack 5 years ago.
React Native So you want to use React Native to power mobile apps... I have a lot of requests for React Native development. It is in high demand and is quite popular in the current market. It is work I willingly do for clients that have already chosen this road. However, when asked for my opinion on their technical direction I recommend against using it.